Month: September 2019

7 Reasons Why Your Salaried Job Is Like Crack Cocaine


Rick Bisio

From time to time, as a franchise coach, I work with individuals who are perfectly positioned to become business owners.They have lots of money, no debt, great skill sets, likable personalities and a true desire to break out of the employee mentality.

However, at the end of the coaching process, some still decide to return to their jobs. And, of course, for anyone who is a business owner, this is exceptionally hard to understand. Why would anyone spend his or her life preparing for freedom, yet once that opportunity arose, return to a salaried job?

There is only one reason that I can think of: Salaried jobs are like crack cocaine. Okay, I may sound like I’m a bit off my rocker, but stay with me. What is it like to be addicted to a drug like crack cocaine? Recently, when I read about drug addiction and discussed it with a drug-counselor friend, I learned a few things. And here’s my bottom line: You will be amazed at the similarities between a salaried job and drug addiction.

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